Options for Building a Front Fence on a Sloping Property

Posted on: 7 June 2023

A sloping front yard can create unique challenges when it comes to building a fence, as the barrier has to adapt to the land contours. Fencing contractors can attack this issue in different ways, as explained below.

Stepped Fences

They can construct a stair-stepped fence. Many barriers consist of panels, such as slats or tubular metal. The contractors can set these up to create a stepped effect, with the horizontal top of each panel higher than the previous one. The panels climb the land like stairs.

This design creates an interesting fence line, but it leaves small gaps underneath at each panel end. Depending on the size of this hole, a small pet dog may squeeze through, thus revealing a weakness of the design.

You can eliminate the gaps in a stepped fence by combining materials. For example, build a low-base fence using bricks, stone or cement. At the bottom, these materials echo the ground, but at the top, they form steps between each pillar. The metal panels can bridge the gap between the pillars. Or, you can build the entire stair-stepped fence from masonry.

Racked Fences

Contractors can alternatively build a racked fence. On these barriers, the bottom line of the fence follows the land contours and doesn't leave spaces, securing your property. While the horizontal rails follow the slope angle, the posts and pickets stand vertically, so the fence forms a smooth and continuous line.

Fence contractors can custom-build a racked fence. You can also get rackable fencing panels that allow the vertical posts and pickets to pivot independently of the rails.

Levelling the Ground

If your property slopes, the contractors could alternatively level the ground before building the fence. They could excavate soil from the high ground, shifting it to the lower ground before constructing the barrier. A slight incline won't require much earth movement.

Which option suits you best depends on your needs and what fence style you prefer. If you want a slatted fence with metal or timber slats, then contractors could build a stepped style using panels, keeping in mind that racked fences leave gaps that make them slightly less secure. Alternatively, they can use steel or aluminium tubular metal panels for a rackable barrier. If you want to build a custom fence, you can choose the style that suits you at your preferred height without gaps, using metal, timber or masonry to harmonise it with the kerb view.

For more information, contact a local fencing company.
