How to Balance Security and Appearance When Choosing a Household Fence

Posted on: 13 March 2020

In a troubled or uncertain world, home security is an important issue and the number of break-ins across Australia is on the rise. Consequently, most homeowners will want to erect a physical boundary around the perimeter of their property, but they'll also want to make sure that it is practical and aesthetically appealing as well. If you currently have an open plan garden with free access, why should you consider aluminium slat fencing as part of your solution?

Weighing up the Options

When you think about overall security, you have to take into account many different factors. As you may know, opportunist thieves tend to patrol residential neighbourhoods from time to time, to look for a property that may be an easy target. If you have no physical boundary whatsoever, then you're making their job a great deal more straightforward, but you don't want to build an overly tall wall either, as this may make your home feel more like a prison.

In this case, why not consider a compromise solution and something that should look and feel just right? Homeowners in your situation often choose a boundary that is made from bricks at the lower level and aluminium slats higher up.

Best of All Worlds

With this approach, you are creating a sturdy barrier and one that will certainly hide your home from the outside world to a large degree. The aluminium slats will, nevertheless, allow a certain amount of light to penetrate and the solution will feel far less oppressive as a consequence. You will be able to build the structure to more than head height, and this should deter all but the most determined crook. After all, if they wanted a close inspection of your property they would have to stand very close to the fence and peer through the gap in between the slats. This type of behaviour would be very obvious and would undoubtedly draw attention to their activity. Remember, most opportunist crooks will typically "case" the neighbourhood by driving past in a car or truck, without notice.

Placing Your Order

If you want the best of all worlds, think about adding an aluminium slat fence to the top of a medium height brick wall. When everything is finished, this will be not only good to look at but a great deterrent in an uncertain world. Talk with your fence supplier about just such a solution.
